Choose our Program

If you choose one of the packages, you will save money in the longer term by opting for a packaged option than you would on a session-to-session basis. For longer-term presentations such as frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis), post-surgery condition, chronic pain, persistent nerve pain, and some arthritic presentations, I recommend an individually prescribed treatment plan that is better suited for you. Alternatively, you can access our services on a session-to-session basis; you will still receive the same high-quality physiotherapy service and care.


6-week physiotherapy program

Our 6-week program is created for patients who have sustained a higher-grade injury they are after surgery, e.g. (after hip or spine surgery), and want to not only rehabilitate their damage but also address causative factors and ensure a safe return to sport. This is designed to be an all-encompassing program for clients who want to get out of pain ASAP but also want to address causative factors and determine what predisposed them to the injury.

Our 6-week program is inclusive of the following:

2x weekly 50min physiotherapy session -individual manual therapy.

6-week physiotherapy program

Total cost: ÂĢ600

Individual manual therapy

Physical therapy treatments

Kinesio taping therapy 

One-to-one exercises

To come back to your life pain-free, contact us today by phone or WhatsApp


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