Choose our Program

If you choose one of the packages, you will save money in the longer term by opting for a packaged option than you would on a session-to-session basis. For longer-term presentations such as frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis), post-surgery condition, chronic pain, persistent nerve pain, and some arthritic presentations, I recommend an individually prescribed treatment plan that is better suited for you. Alternatively, you can access our services on a session-to-session basis; you will still receive the same high-quality physiotherapy service and care.


PRP face revitalization treatments package

Facial rejuvenation using the PRP method safely and effectively removes the signs of ageing. Patients who have already tried PRP for the face enjoy increased collagen production, fewer wrinkles, improved skin tone and texture, and long-lasting effects without using chemicals. The results of facial PRP typically appear within a few weeks after the treatment. However, the collagen production process takes a while, so the results constantly improve until the patients notice the full effects after a few months.

While some anti-ageing treatments are only suitable for a few months, PRP facial rejuvenation provides high-quality results for up to a year. PRP helps patients maintain younger-looking and healthier skin.

PRP face revitalization 3 treatments package

Total cost: ÂĢ1170

Package of 3 treatments



To beautify your face and naturally eliminate the signs of ageing with Kobido massage, contact us via WhatsApp or phone.


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