What is Kinetic Control?

Kinetic Control is a diagnostic and therapeutic method to comprehensively examine movement-related problems. For example, it allows you to determine which damaged tissues cause pain and limited range of motion.

Advantage of Kinetic Control

Most musculoskeletal problems result from incorrect movements or postures. The result is a weakening of muscle strength or its complete lack, as well as deterioration of mobility, stability or motor control. Patients often also report excessive muscle tension or rapid fatigue. Kinetic Control therapy helps to properly recognise problems with the musculoskeletal system and select the optimal treatment, restoring the patient's full fitness and allowing him to function normally without feeling pain.

As part of the visit to the physiotherapist during the examination and therapy, the biomechanics of movement are briefly presented because this is what Kinetic Control is based on. Thanks to this, the patient can better understand the problem, observe the mistakes he often makes and learn the correct movement patterns.

Kinetic Control


  • pain in the musculoskeletal system,
  • limited mobility,
  • overloading the musculoskeletal system,
  • incorrect body posture,
  • abnormal movements forced by lifestyle or work,
  • prolonged forced positions,
  • significant muscle weakness,
  • excessive muscle tension,
  • quick fatigue,
  • uncontrolled movements,
  • deterioration of stability.

Kinetic Control is used in both acute and chronic conditions.


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